Wednesday, November 30, 2005

End of the Church

Well, I just could not resist commenting on the Vatican's latest ban on gay priests.

The Vatican has published long-awaited guidelines which reaffirm that active homosexuals and "supporters of gay culture" may not become priests.

But it treats homosexuality as a "tendency", not an orientation, and says those who have overcome it can begin training to take holy orders.

At least three years must pass between "overcoming [a] transitory problem" and ordination as a deacon, the rules say.

All Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy, regardless of orientation.

'Transient' tendencies? Who the hell are the kidding? This sounds like it was decided by committee trying to satisify everyone instead of coming down with a decision one way or another. Let's just play it safe. So according to the vatican, if you're gay, but happen to stop being gay for 3 years; then now you can be ordained as a priest. Of course, you've take a vow of celibacy, so I'm not quite sure how one could be gay or straight either way.

Let's forget all the scientific evidence out there that clearly shows that people are one sexuality or another; hardly transient in nature. Unless of course the Vatican is suggesting that bi-sexuals are ok, but gays aren't.

The Church needs to shut itself down. In increasingly liberal societies throughout the west, not only are homosexuals being accepted into society; they are now earning legal rights (in Canada, Britain, to name but two).

This is just another clear indication to why the Church of the Roman Empire is making its deathbed. The possible good they could do in a modern world - upholding morals maybe - is worth nothing; if they can't be relevant to people's lives. If there are gay people who believe in Christianity; then who is to say that Christianity doesn't accept them? Oooh libelous - the Church want's you to believe they are the 'voice of god', representing the faith on earth. They've even threatened governments of countries. I've got one phrase for you Vatican: RIP. And it can't be soon enough as far as I am concerned.

Religion has a place in a lot of people's lives. But there's a bigger revolution coming and it's called scientific reasoning.