20 tips for 20-something Canadians
I'm 31 and feel like I'm both far enough and close enough to my 20's to be able to have an opinion on what to do in your 20s:
Tips for 20-something Canadians
1. There is a huge world that exists well beyond Canada and the United States. It's exciting and humbling to discover what a diverse and beautiful place it is.
2. Never in history has it been so easy to travel to around the world for so cheaply and easily. Who knows, maybe we've hit the peak of western civilisation; and it's downhill from here. Get your tickets while oil is still cheap.
3. Memories last a lifetime. Travelling is an adventure. When you're 80, how likely are you to remember the 3rd car you bought? How about your first time in Moscow?
4. Be financially smart. While it is important to stay out of debt; it is equally important not to be obsessed with having possessions in your youth. You're always going to buy stuff. In your 20's, you have alot of disposable income and little debt or responsibilities. When you're 40, you still have the rest of your life to earn money and have the stuff you wanted.
5. People are living longer. So people are starting to have families later in life. I don't see any reason to rush into that.
6. Watch your diet. Sorry this has to be mentioned especially because North Americans are wealthier than just about everyone in the world. It's very easy with the kind of technology we have these days to put on the pounds. We sit in front of tvs & computers; we drive cars; we can acquire groceries easily. Wealth and the lack of enough exercise easily identify North Americans compared to people in other parts of the world. Even Europeans, quite wealthy, aren't as obese as North Americans. It comes down to this: either excercise more to burn off the calories, or reduce your calorie intake. Diets don't work - being healthy is a lifestyle.
7. Dress comfortably, but well. Really truly honestly, most people don't want to see you in your Walmart joggers. First
impressions do count. Take care of how you look and other people will respond to that.
8. Underestimating yourself is natural. Fear is natural. I once took a 3 1/2 month trip around the world by myself. Was I scared? Definitely. However, it was easier than I thought (and I'm going to do it again). Look at the root causes of your fears and try to think about them rationally. Fear of the unknown is natural. Courage is natural too.
9. It has to be said that alot of us hit our late 20's with ambitious goals we don't reach. This doesn't mean we should become negative about life, or worse sink into depression. It should mean that you become wiser and more focused about what you can achieve.
10. Dream. The moment you stop dreaming or setting goals for yourself; you're lost. The only way forward is to want to achieve more for yourself. Your success in life is determined by how bold and how much you want something.
11. If you want something bad enough, you can usually have it. I'm not talking about material possessions or superficial desires. I'm talking about self-achievement. If you want to be someone or something - then it really does matter how much you put into yourself.
12. Don't let others put you off. Everyone around you will voice their opinion about things - alot of this has to do with self-justification. Alot of people also feel the need to be superior to others. People will say that "you can't do that" or you're not good enough. They will show off, and you might feel inferior or intimidated. There are a lot of pressures from people around you, be it friends or family, for you to be a certain person. You need to shield yourself from that, and remember they are only as human as you. They've made their own mistakes. They've made their own choices. No one is perfect.
13. Only you know what you want. There are lots of pressures from parents, peers, your professors - suggesting what you should do with your life. Be careful that you understand "what you want" instead of what other's want for you.
14. Build relationships. You may be shy, quiet, or lack confidence in yourself. But people are easier to talk to than you might think. Most people are capable of being friendly! The more you communicate the easier you will find it. Greater success requires great communication skills.
15. Smile! A smile goes along way to building relationships between people. Make it a genuine smile. Don't judge people right away; give them the benefit of the doubt. You would want the same returned to you.
16. Be positive. No one wants to be around a negative person. Being positive is a way of life. If you are positive about your life, than it will grow in a positive direction. Believe good things are possible. You will have off days, everyone does; but keep believing.
17. Have fun. You're young! Life doesn't always have to be about the bigger picture. Life isn't always fair to other people. But this is your life - make sure that you are happy.
18. Have a conscience.
19. Don't be greedy.
20. Remember that we are all just a moment in time.
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